Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Next meeting November 18th

 I hope to see you all then! 

October 28th Meeting

 Hello. 👋

The last time we met up we discussed ways to raise money for the Library's Clothes Lending Closet, one way was suggested was to make cards and sell them, but we would need permission to do so. How did getting permission for that go?

Aside from that Halloween and Nanowrimo month is approaching. I've made decent progress writing on mine, though I've taken a two-day break from doing so. So far I've written 5,582 words which are only 26 pages, I ended up re-writing the draft and am fighting the urge to switch to my different stories. Don't know why when pushing myself to write I suddenly become motivated to work on my others as well. But I'm trying to stay focused. 

How has everyone else been doing? How's your progress so far? If you're still taking classes or just now starting, best of luck in finishing. 

Since I took my last class, it seems like I've been given the golden pass to graduate in peace finally. Although I don't plan on leaving the club, someone else will have to take over my role by then right? Just a heads up. 

The role of a secretary is to take notes, send out emails or reminders about club events, and the like, it's not hard. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Next Meeting October 28th

 See you till then. 

October 14th Meeting

 Good Afternoon, everyone! 💁

It's me your secretary, Bianca :# 

What are you all eating for lunch today?  

It's about that time so feel free to sit down and get your munch-on during today's chat.

In the last meeting, we mentioned cheating on Nanowrimo(short for National Novel Writing Month- which is November, by continuing stories we were already working on. 

If possible if you guys are taking any extra classes right now, please let us know. Or if you aren't interested in the Nanowrimo writing on the weekends that's fine too.  

By this time some of you are probably already taking your final exams online. When will you be free? I just wanted to say I'm free as I already took mine and have nothing to do.  

What are your personal goals for the rest of this year? 

Also it was just a thought before, but next year perhaps if this club is still open how great would it be if we had a short story writing contest that was horror themed? (These are just ideas)

Or publishing a book, with a collection of the member's short stories? 

I'm sorry, these days I've been having materialistic thoughts such as those. I've had nothing but moolah on my mind. I've sinned. 🙏

Also Cindy had something to share about a fundraiser? I'll let her take it from there. 


In the end we decided with the option to create a little 4 by 6 or 5 by 7 poetry poetry piece. Draw a doodle within the four by six template or five by seven and sell it on the library blog to raise funds for the Library's lending closet and... possibly ourselves? As we need permission for this first, I'll update this post later on as to how things turned out.  

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Events this October

 If there's anything else that I may have forgot please let me know! :)