Thursday, January 25, 2024

January 24 Meeting Minutes

 Greetings Earthlings, 

1/24/2024 Meeting Minutes

We had 8 people in the meeting:

Maki, Kim, Angelina, June, Tajané, Tai, Edward,  and Cindy 
  1. We discussed tee shirt requirements
  2. Started with a meet and greet
  3. Did a “This is Me” activity
  4. Discussed budget and voted to buy notebooks, pens, and pencils for the group so everyone can keep their work together. Please let Cindy know if you want a left-handed notebook.
  5. Wrote a silly poem
  6. Out-of-guild activity: Start a personal story and be very descriptive. Try to write at least the introduction and bring it to the next meeting
We have new members! Welcome Shay, Tajané, and Savannah!

Remember these guild guidelines:
  • Announcements in Discord are only made by Edward. You can share your work, but only Edward’s posts have been approved for announcements. Texts are not approved, so check with the Discord announcements when looking for Guild answers.

Other stuff:
  • If anyone has ideas or activities, please contact Angelina well before the next meeting, so she can add them to the agenda. You can send it to Angelina or me ( and I’ll get it to her.
  • In the next few meetings, we should consider nominating a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Secretary takes down what happened in the meeting and writes the meeting minutes. Then they send it to me for approval, I email it out and put it on the blog and Edward posts it. The treasurer keeps track of our budget. Just consider it and after a few meetings, we will vote. You have to be a student to hold an office.

Next Meeting Feb 7
I attached the flyer 

Thanks and have a great rest of your day, 

Friday, January 19, 2024

1/17/2024 Meeting Minutes and 1/24/24 Meeting Agenda

 Writers Guild 01/17/2024 Meeting Minutes

There were 10 people in the meeting:












We talked about volunteering for the Welcome Bash on Thursday and now need volunteers for Tuesday’s games in the Library from 11-2. Please volunteer on Jan 23. Let Cindy know if you can volunteer.

If anyone sews, please let Cindy know as we are making hacky sacks for the Eclipse. We will give you the pattern and material.

We played some icebreaker games that involved drawing an island and making a story with one word. Also, members shared some of their creative work.

The next meeting is on 1/24 at 4 pm in room 211. We will send out a WebEx invitation for those who can’t make it in person.

Agenda ( 01-24-2024) (From the Desk of Angelina) 

Hey everyone, 

It was awesome to have been able to meet everyone at the 1/17 meeting! For
those who had to miss, I hope to see you at our next meeting on 01-24-2024 (next Wednesday) in Room 211 at the Hobby Memorial Library!

I want everyone to feel heard and included, so please lay out your ideas! If anxiety is all that is stopping you from reaching out, I will put my email at the bottom of this message so that you can reach out and be heard!

So without further adieu, here is the plan for next week's meeting!

  1. Meet and Greet / Little Icebreaker Activity 
  2. In Guild Activity ( Iga ) 
  3. Assign Out Of Guild Activity (Ooga)
  4. Open Floor! 
I want us to challenge each other in the next few weeks following this meeting by encouraging each other to write something we aren’t good at! A big part of a community is having each other's backs in struggling situations, so after we meet (and hopefully get to know each other a little bit) we’ll each choose a genre of creativity we aren’t as skilled in yet to grow our creative profile!

ex: if your a writer, say you struggle with descriptiveness, a good challenge might be: write a short descriptive story

or if you're an artist, and you struggle with drawing anatomy, a good challenge might be: to draw some hands, a skeleton, etc. 

Going forward, I want everyone to feel comfortable in sharing the ideas (or goals) they have or aspire for within the group. Whether that be an activity for the day, or an outside prompt to work on in our downtime, I want this guild to feel like your own! So please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and opinions with me or each other (as long as they are respectful and kind. No putting each other down!) 

One last thing before I sign out!

This might feel like a lot, and I’m right there with you, challenges are hard and sometimes can be scary. However, there is no better feeling than accomplishing something you at first thought you couldn’t do! 

I promise that this is a safe and open environment where you will not be judged, and your personality is allowed to shine!

Plus, this group’s whole purpose is to support each other through the pains of growth with the end goal of helping boost our skills to succeed in our creative endeavors!

As your Writer’s Guild president, until someone else is elected, I will take this goal seriously and help push each of you to be your best, because I know you all would do the same for me! 

I hope to see you all on the 24, again in room 211 at the Hobby Memorial Library, building 240 at 4 pm!

Cindy will send out a WebEx invitation to everyone right before the next meeting in case you can't be there in person.


Angelina Ortiz.
Writer Guild President.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Meeting next Wednesday, January 19th at 4pm-5:30pm

 Hi guys! 

It's time to get started again. We have a special meeting next Wednesday, January 19th at 4pm at the CTC Library, Room 211, 2nd floor. I'll send out a WebEx invitation next week for those who can't make it in person. 

Here's this year's schedule of meetings: 

See you then!