Monday, December 5, 2022

Need to cancel tomorrow's Writers Guild meeting

 Hello Fellow Writers,

I realized that I didn't put this Wednesday's Writers Guild meeting on my calendar, so unfortunately, I scheduled something that takes me to Temple at the time of the meeting. 

But I also realized that we have 2 meetings scheduled before the Welcome Bash:

January 18 (first week of the semester)

January 25 (second week of the semester)

Welcome Bash is January 26.

So in other words, we can finish the decorations for Welcome Bash on those days. 

I'm sorry about that. 

So guys.................good luck on your exams and have a wonderful and safe holiday winter break! You guys are all amazing and deserve the best! 

Please consider using your time off to create some amazing entries for Byways!

The deadline is much earlier this year, so get cracking on creating some winning entries. 

Have fun on your break and I'll see you next year. 
