Friday, September 17, 2021

Wow, This Thing's Weird... Let's See...

Hey guys, it's Kaeden! It's about time I figured out how to use this thing; this is my first time ever blogging.  I guess I'll talk a bit about myself and what I do. As you are probably aware of, I like to call myself a bit of a writer. I am currently working on a novel series called Choose Your Class, and it's about magic. I will probably post something later about the series alone, and I will surely reference it a lot—which... I do in normal conversation, and it can be a little weird to some. Another thing I like to do is drawing. I have mastered my artistic ability—well, somewhat. I was in the Byways journal this spring, and I plan on being in the one next year also. There my works will be shown to the world once again! The third thing about me is that I love anime! Wow, I'm the perfect person for this club, aren't I? I currently do not have a favorite, but I love My Hero Academia, and I loved what I watched of Kill La Kill! Those are some crazy shows. The last thing about me is that I love to play video games, especially Nintendo games. That is just part of me. Anyways, I'll keep up with this blog—someone's got to do it. Please, please feel free to post yourself. *whispers* I am trying to encourage conversation. Anyways, thanks for reading my post! Hope you like my drawing!

Edit: In case you're wondering, you can add to the blog in the top-right corner of the screen, next to your email.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

New idea; Website

 Hi and thank you with the welcomes!

My name is William or as my pen name I have set up is Karsuragi Makoto, lol.

At the meeting today, I suggested an website so I made the site

Writers Guild Website

Also, I can send invited as blog editors (Can fully manage the blog but not other areas of your site), admin (Co-Owner-Has full access to manage, edit & publish site, including billing, domains and inviting people, but cannot delete or transfer site), and website managers (Has access to manage, edit & publish site, but cannot manage billing, delete, duplicate or transfer site.)

After meeting thoughts

We'll vote for officers and different positions in email.

Submit more content to the blog. Art, music. Poetry, and writing, etc. 

Talk about what we're writing. And adding to the blog

Maybe create stories from others artwork. 

Building a website for our blog.

I didn't catch everything, anyone else who had ideas or more to add please do.

We had a good time getting to know new members of the writers Guild and eating pizza ๐Ÿ•

Let's go writers Guild! looking forward to seeing everyone's unique posts. 

Have a wonderful week!


 Howdy Howdy,

Here's the link to the Discord for the guild.

Many thanks to William for the help!

See ya'll there.


Today's Meeting Agenda

 Welcome Back "old" members and Welcome "new members" Keisha, James, Robert, and Robert's sister. :-) 

We'll be meeting today on the blog here and in WebEx and in-person. So join us today at 4:30pm. 

We'll be voting on new officers and going over the general what the guild is about. 

See you there!