Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30th Meeting

 👋 Wassup, wassup? 

Hope you all aren't sick of me by now. It's time to host our 30th meeting! Make some noise! 💃

Do we have anything to discuss? Hmm, let's see. 

Well there's the winners of the poetry slam, also the approaching Nanowrimo month. I always did it alone when I wasn't in this club (of course I never finished TT ^ TT) but hopefully we'll also be able to have fun in this club. If we're still not able to meet up, maybe we could video chat?I missed the chance to try out webex, but there's also messenger or skype? I will try to keep an eye on my email more often. 

"National Novel Writing Month (often shortened to NaNoWriMo) is an annual Internet-based creative writing project that takes place during the month of November. Participants attempt to write a 50,000-word manuscript between November 1 and November 30. Well-known authors write "pep-talks" to keep them motivated throughout the process. "

(The rules are to start on a completely new book so that you don't have a head start compared to other people lol)

If you all could let us know what days you all are free near November that would be awesome. Though I have a question for some of you. What's your goal? Is it to ultimately publish a book or do you just write for fun? For me its both. I really want to publish a book and get it adapted into a video game or anime one day. That's my dream. What are yours?

I'll try publishing some activities in a separate tab if we have time. 

Also Ms. C spoke in the CTC club live meeting and I'm just gonna post it here because I failed to watch it.


  1. Hi, speaking of poetry slam, I'm going to post the YouTube links for the slam and winners. Slam: Winners:

    Congratulations to all our winners!

    1st Place: Emeli Vasquez and Nicole Henson
    2nd Place: Ashley Demers (one of our Writers Guild members!) and Alexandria Lambert
    3rd Place: Ali Matos Burgos and Amber McCallister (another Writers Guild Member!)
    4th Place: Maricrus Enriquez

    1. Well, hi Naomi! It's good to see you. I was just asking in Discord if you guys can post the discord URL again. Some of our members liked to chat there, plus we can see and hear each other. It would be good to see each other again.

    2. Congrats guys! I have it playing in the background. Congrats to everyone!

    3. Hi everyone! I know I've been absent all semester so far. I had some family problems and I'm still trying to flush things out. I don't want anything to think that I have abandoned or forgotten the guild. I'm still here lol. I'll track down that URL and I'll make a new post about it. Give me a few.

    4. Congrats to all who participated!!! conquer that fear! lol

    5. You know I saw something yesterday about conquering your fear. I can't remember it exactly, but it said something like fear is just fear and if you overcome it, you can do anything. Easier said than done, but I've seen it work.

    6. Once we let thoughts enter in that don't align with confidence and boldness, that starts the fear! It's not hard to speak in front of people... they are just people too

    7. I agree. I know that I have to block out negative thoughts before I do public speaking. I used to have severe social anxiety and would pick apart everything I said after I did a talk. I had to adopt the "I don't really care" attitude to stop that thinking. I had to say that if they are judging me, then it says more about them than it does about me.

    8. Naomi, we know that you haven't forgotten us and we certainly didn't forget you. We're glad you're back. We got new members! :-)

    9. Oh? Wow, I have been missing out. Well, if the new members see this, Welcome!

    10. I know that Cynthya has a class at this time, but I'm not sure where Ashley and our Ambers are. We'll keep working on getting more people. But hey, did you guys want to schedule some weekend time to do the November writing thing? It sounds like fun. And we can eat our own munchies at home. :-)

    11. Yeah, since my last class ends October 16th I'll be very free! Whoop whoop!

    12. I'll be in another 8 week class, but I can still write. I love to write.

    13. SAme same. Writing will be forever be my first love. You may not get this but this is a reference to BTS Suga's a.k.a Agus D's song "First Love" it holds a special place in my heart with the way he personified the piano.

      Please watch and tell me what you think:

  2. I have a 'book' that I started years ago. Lost the notebook that I wrote it in and found it again maybe two years ago. It is currently hiding from me. Additionally, I don't see me having the free time to work on it so it is probably a good thing that it is hiding from me at the moment because it would be a big distraction. I know the basic points of the story, it's just taking me forever to get it written. I would like to have it published one day:)

    1. I know that I had to set a goal of one chapter a day and force myself to write. Then about every month, I would go back and read what I wrote. Sometimes I was like, "Whaattt????" Then I would rewrite it. But you'll get back to it. Maybe doing this group activity together in November will help us all.

    2. Gotta find where that notebook is hiding first lol

    3. Next time, type it. :-) I have so many copies of stuff on my computer that I can't decipher which one is my last version. Do you find that writing helps you better than typing when you do creative writing?

    4. yeah! I'd probably play eeneie meanie miney moe with which story I'd have to pick to work on.

    5. I prefer writing by hand. I even hand write my essays for my classes before I type them up.

    6. I used to prefer writing by hand, but then writing on a lap top and my phone eventually grew on me over time and I rarely write by hand unless its to write down random ideas that hit me while i'm online.

      When you write by hand you lose it but if you do it on google docs I can just type in a word in the search bar and all the stories that share that word in common will just pop up so I'm less likely to loose my work unless I reset my laptop without saving my offline docs(its happened b4, I mourn the loss of the great stories I wanted to finish but couldn't due to my lack of foresight)

    7. Huh, that's interesting that you prefer writing by hand. My hands cramp up when writing. I guess it's because I've been typing so long. Like I can't even read my signature. My kids think it's funny when I write by hand and it's great to watch them decipher what I wrote. Sort of a Bad Lip Reading parody (which btw is hilarious on YouTube).

    8. I also need the grammar and spell check feature. I usually can spell pretty good, but my grammar isn't that great.

    9. that's another thing too. My hands do cramp. Which is why I prefer typing because my sometimes my hands can't keep up with my brain when I write. But its also that I just need to excercise so my hand doesn't cramp as often lol.

    10. Though writing by hand I feel like sometimes my thoughts are clearer there than when I type so now that I think upon it further it's like a 70-30 degree of to which I'm torn on the matter.

  3. My current goals are to begin to brainstorm for book (s) and I was going to start one years ago titled "Treat Yourself Like A Business." So now my creative thinking, inspiration, and motivation are flowing. I know I'll start soon

    1. I like that idea. Like what are some of the ways that you treat yourself like a business? I'm curious.

  4. Awesome! I also hope you'll be able to publish it one day! As for me I'm all over the place, since inspiration hits randomly I tend to write stories and leave others unfinished. I have boxes in my room with just unfinished pieces. Though I have a couple in my mind that I personally think has enough potential to become a solid read if I just continue to push myself. But sometimes I get scared because I feel that I need guidance. By the way I'm thankful for that link you shared Cindy!

    1. maybe you cold compile all the unfinished stories into one novel of short stories

    2. I'm glad you cold use the links. I actually had an agency interested in my work through one of those links. A published children's book author gave them to me.

    3. OOOOOOOOh! How exciting! That makes me pumped!

    4. And once again, the spellcheck in my brain isn't working. :-)

    5. The NANOWRIMO site will have lots of resources as well.

      Since we all have a writing project that we're working on (mine is to redo the book I wrote for a different audience), maybe we could all take up our projects again this November and at least do a few chapters while supporting each other. What do you think?

    6. That sounds amazing, I like the idea of encouragement and accountability.

    7. I know for myself, it helped to read chapters to my friends, so that I could gauge if what I said made any sense. A lot of times, it sounded great in my brain, but they were honest and said it was all over the place.

    8. Have you guys let others read your work?

    9. I normally just post my stuff online but what's frustrating is that it gets views but no comments!

    10. Where do you post it? Like on a blog? Again, I'm just nosey. You don't have to give us the location. Just curious how you put it online.

    11. I use sites like webnovel, just recently began to post on inkiit yesterday, when I was in high school I used movellas and I got some feedback but I don't frequent it as much now that I'm older. I also once used but that was just to share poetry when I needed to vent in highschool lol.

    12. Thanks for sharing the sites. I think I would be find it hard to just send it out to strangers, but I guess that's what we have to do as writers. You're pretty brave.

    13. People don't really comment much though. It's not as scary as it seems to be.

    14. Are you worried that people will take your ideas? That was always a worry of mine.

    15. Oh yeah, but since it's published on a platform and there's a date given as to how long ago it was published, I can always sue if a similar thing comes out? I've never worried about that.

    16. You're right. I forgot about paper trails. :-)

  5. If you guys decide you want to do virtual get togethers in November, we can set some dates and I can send everyone a WebEx invite. You just download WebEx and log in to the join meeting button. In order to save on bandwidth and stuff, we could check in at the beginning and then say something like "everybody write the first few pages or something and then in an hour, come back to the WebEx to let us know how you're doing." Whatever you guys want to do.

    1. Hi Antwion! You made it. :-)

    2. Yeap, I was trying to remember because I'm normally out the door and headed to the gym after my 1030 class

    3. I can try. I have boonie-Wifi out here in the country.

    4. If not wifi we can just share pictures of our desk or something- I need to get one actually, I once read an article about the importance of having a desk and chair that you could sit in and just write but back then I thought a sofa or just squatting would be enough, I think I now understand the need of a writer having their own space, and desk and chair... it's like a spiritual zone where you're more prone to focus lol.

    5. That's interesting about the desk space. I know when I do my schoolwork, I move to different locations when reading, but always sit at the same spot for quizzes and papers. My brain must know the right spots.

    6. Talking about it just makes me want to get rid of some of the furniture in this room so I could fit a desk and chair (;o;)

    7. Where do you write if not on a desk and chair? Just nosey.

    8. I just sit on the ground with my laptop on the ground(as we speak I'm using the box my new laptop came in(got it yesterday as my previous one died) as a makeshift desk and it's kinda working. Though I hate leaning forward and am yearning for something to lean against (; o ;)

    9. We need to get you off the ground! My feet would fall asleep in the first 5 minutes. I guess your youth saves you. :-)

    10. I once had a butt but because I sit on the ground its so flat I can sometimes feel my skeleto (TT ^ TT) yeah, I have a sofa but it's the poofy type so it's pushing against my back and butt so I'm like <

    11. I went with quick cheap options from walmart a few years ago for a desk and chair. They didn't take up too much space and everyone was amused watching me put it together (I didn't own tools at the time so I was using a butter knife). Having those does make a massive difference. Additionally, I use a work out ball (I don't fully remember what they are called) for a chair every now and then to help with back posture.

    12. You're definitely going to have to find a more comfortable spot! You know our library is open 6 days a week with real desks, chairs and tables. And it's very quiet. We're here everyday but Saturdays.
      Monday & Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
      Tuesday & Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
      Friday 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
      Saturday Closed
      Sunday 12:30 pm. To 7:30 p.m.

      And the campus is beautiful too with tables and chairs. You have to wear a mask, but it's still not the floor. :-)

    13. Yeah, I have the cheap Walmart kind as well. I like the ball idea for a chair. I use pillows at the backrest to force me to sit straight. I can sit longer if I sit straight. It's like the oxygen depletes when I slouch.

    14. You were using a butter knife? Hey those things do work! I've screwed things out with one before lol. Still imagining it is cute haha! So the library is open now? Cool! Will go back then to hang when I'm finally done with my class, it'll be ending soon and I've slowly been going insane from staying cooped up inside the house.

    15. You have to sit one chair to a desk/table, but it's really quiet.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey guys, do you have any activities you want to do today? That scenario thing was fun and one time Biance and I spent the whole meeting working on a description thing.

  8. Bianca (I changed your name....sorry)

  9. I was just thinking of what to post for an activity actually. My head is blank today.

  10. I posted something! It's not an activity but a discussion thing tho.

    1. I see it. That's a great topic. Let's go see what everyone says.

  11. Hey guys, are you all doing ok these days with virtual school?

    1. YEah.... since my class isn't that long. I'm okay, my grades are meh. I definitely can't focus as well but I'm surviving so far. I will just say this.

      My biggest pet peev, say in the beginning of the class you don't get graded because you didn't have the materials in time to start and the teach says they might extend date but don't.

      Teach also has a date where they say a certain thing is due. But you don't really get your until a handful of days has passes. And I understand it takes time for things to be graded. But I consider it a double standard. Because teachers aren't getting graded as to how soon they need to have the grades out =. = because they have a life.

      My only annoyance.

    2. I hear you. It can be frustrating to keep going to your grades and not finding them. I've become obsessive myself in looking for them, but that's because I got a D on my first quiz and an F on my second one. *hangs head in shame.* But I've gotten a bit better after that.! Especially since my old brain has trouble remembering things. But I love learning, so it's definitely a challenge I want to keep doing.

    3. same! I should have graduated but the only reason I didn't was because I got a D and I need a C or higher in that class to graduate! Thats why I really want to make sure my grades are okay this time, it makes me anxious.

  12. Also, it's already 1pm. Did you want to put the next meeting date up? Here's the link of dates:

    1. Wow That made odd spacing. But the dates are Oct 14, Oct 28, Nov 18, Dec 2. And if you want to do any extra writing sessions let me know.


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