Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What is everyone taking this upcoming semester?

 Just curious. 

I'm going to be a student with you guys this fall semester! I'm taking Introduction to World Religions and Cultural Anthropology. I'm finding out about people. :-) 

Plus, I thought it would be cool to walk in your shoes awhile. I believe that's the best way to know someone. 


  1. I'm taking Composition 2, Art History 1, Drawing 1, and Painting 1.

  2. British Literature, Contemporary Math, Administrative Office Procedures, Torts & Personal Injury law, and Civil Litigation. It's my last year and I want to have as little as possible to do for next semester so I can focus on work at the Law Firm.

  3. Amber, that's cool! Are you a Fine Arts major? My minor is in Fine Arts and I love everyone of those subjects!

    Naomi, That's a ton of work! But I know you can do it and you're going to be great in the law realm of our community. Go Naomi! She's amazing!

    1. yes I am trying to get my cores out of the way so i can transfer to a university

    2. Where is Angelo State University? I'm just moving the Discord conversation to here so I won't go insane keeping track of the conversation

  4. What part of Fine Arts do you think you're going to want to pursue? I love graphic design.

  5. And I keep forgetting to hit replay rather than comment. Duh, Cindy.

  6. Hi everyone! I am taking Business Principals, Intro to Accounting, Business Communication, Office management, and Principals of Marketing. It's a lot for my first semester plus I work full time but I will conquer!

    1. I agree that that's a lot, but you'll do great. Here's what helped me when I was doing the same thing. I just kept saying, "In three years I'll be 33. I can be 33 with a degree or without a degree. It's only 3 years of hard work, and then it's over. I would rather be 33 with a degree." btw, that was awhile ago. :-)


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