Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Post it: Activity for July 29th meeting- Getting to know you

1. If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?

Please pick an animal most suited to yourself, not one that you like and explain why. If it wasn't already obvious this is my attempt to get you all to talk about yourselves because we have a NEW new member! Once again welcome Ashley Marie!👏👏👏 I've never met you in any of the meetings before unlike Antwion so yeah, hi. (Hello to you too if you're somewhere out there Antwion, the guild master and Ms. Cindy 👋)

2. Write a brief journal entry from the perspective of that animal.😸
 I don't mean to get all teacher-y on yah but well, I am a sub for today. So... please just have fun with this but also hoping to see something that really tells us about you. 


  1. I would be an owl. I tend to watch the world with big eyes in all directions. By sitting quietly and listening, you can learn a lot of from people around you. Since I tend to be a bit hesitant to trust, it helps to study others for awhile so I can feel comfortable around them.

    Also, I'm like an owl because I constantly ask questions: Who? Who? What? When? Why? I learn best by asking questions. So while an owl doesn't say anything but "who," I figured that was the closest I could get.

    I'll do the perspective below.

  2. The ramblings of an owl who can't sleep during the day............

    Whoooo is that bird over there? Oh yes, it's Claudius, the Cardinal. And look, his new girlfriend is with him. I don't know why she hangs with Claudius. He's a true bore. He fluffs up his bright red feathers at everyone, like he owns the yard. And don't get me started about him bragging about himself all the time. Everyone knows everything he did because he never stops talking about it. You'd think his world was the only important thing happening in these parts...........oh wait! What's happening over there?

    The Sparrow Twins. Of course. They never fly alone. Get over it, boys. You were born. You can fly separately now. And can it be? Truly can it be?

    The pigeons. Sigh. Can you believe they learned how to eat from the bird feeders? I saw them kicking the doves off the feeders like the bullies they are. Then they make a mess and never clean up. And don't get me started about the noise!!! Constantly cooing for hours! I'm just waiting for the roof of the house to cave in under their weight. I counted 67 pigeons the other day. I crack up every time the owner sprays them with the hose.

    Can't sleep. Can't close my eyes. I don't see what day birds get out of daylight. All of the action is at night anyway.

    Maybe if I just keep watching these boring day birds, I'll finally fall asleep.


    1. This was funny and quite cute imagining it lol. Nice.

    2. I'm not good at giving feedback but I love that this story immerses the reader into the drama in its neighborhood! Hmmm, I feel that writing reviews of something is a challenge in itself. That could be another activity to work on next time maybe.

  3. My zodiac personality(otherwise known as sun sign or horoscope) is Sagittarius while my moon(inner mood) sign is a Pisces.
    I've felt it before but I think my personality is most fitted to that of a cat. While there are many different cats with different personalities, I find myself as such because I find myself unpredictable.

    Normally people have a lot to say about a lot of the zodiacs but whenever it comes to us Sags it's always the same. Free spirits that are always on the move, if they ever have any friendships or relationships those in them with a sag needs to keep up if expected to work well. "They are the kind of people who love freedom in any area of life. Very liberal, they enjoy being in constant movement and always learning, because they are very curious and intelligent. They are true enthusiasts and optimists."

    Meanwhile Pisces are always known for their sensitivity, or I will quote "If you were born with the moon in Pisces, then astrologically you are a mutable water sign, and you probably have an oceanic emotional life, meaning your emotions come in waves that shape your perceptions. You likely have the soul of an artist or a dreamer."

    I identify with a cat because just like cats, depending on my state of mind my tolerance for certain behaviors or interactions can be high or rapidly low. I prefer being in the same room as someone rather than interacting, I prefer to remain silent and observe. Seeing what kind of people are around me, their thoughts and behaviors helps me gain deeper understanding and appreciation of their different characters.

    I may look fluffy and deep to some(I've been told by others I seem to have a high sense of purpose) but there's really nothing going on in my head sometimes... most times. Sometimes I do desire socialization but just have nothing to say(I imagine this is akin to a cat mewing at you and just staring then walking away) And although I am not quite conscious of it, I have a weird sense of pride that makes it difficult of showing too much affection or showing too much weakness or reliance. I take myself too seriously, so unless we have the same sense of humor some jokes may come off ass personal attacks which will result in me avoiding you and remaining silent if ever near.

    By sharing this, I'm sure many of you might be concerned if you were to meet me. Please don't be. Like a cat, I tend to just chill in spaces. Mostly libraries and these days my house.

    Well, this is my response to number 1, wow this took me quite a while to type.

    1. Meant to put my reply here. We're both Sags! I wonder if others in our group are born in the same time frame. I wonder if that adds to creativity.

  4. This is great! And don't worry about time. We're writers. We need time!

    What's strange, is I can see you as a cat. Knowing you for about 6 or so months now, I see the characteristics. I live with 9 cats, so I know them a lot!

  5. 9 cats! Whoa! Those cat expenses doe! I salute you! Lately I've been watching a korean cat youtuber, Kittisaurus, she has 7 cats. I already thought that was a lot but you outdid her! But how fitting to have a Butler Owl watching over them.

    1. I used to have 10. Well, it's 1pm already, so we need to get going. I posted the next meeting dates and I'll get up a flyer. I'm looking forward to seeing your next activity entry about the "cat journal." :-)

      Thanks for running the meeting. We'll have to find our members. We know they're out there.

  6. Cat chilling with its hooman

    "What is it Bianca?"

    I am hungry, human.

    The human goes back to typing on its computer. I leap into their lap then onto the table. Hoping that perhaps this stupid thing's memory would be jogged seeing me here.
    "What is it?"
    You've been on this thing for hours now. Do you plan on becoming a tree?

    Do you know you didn't change my water bowl or didn't put in food? Not even once today. The audacity, I don't ask for much. I don't require play, and I don't need to be bathed unlike those mutts outside. You know, you should be grateful.

    The human actually scoops me off the desk and drops me on the ground.

    The audacity. Is this discrimination? Those mutts were fed before you logged on but what about me?

    I was so peeved my tail began to twitch.
    This shall not stand!


    My human emerged from it's manhole, wide eyed in time to witness me holding a small figurine on the end table in the hall.

    "" They slowly approached.

    I raise my paw.

    "No..." They lunged in the direction the thought it would fall.

    This. Is. Your. Punishment. Hooman.

    I slapped it from the side instead of the front.


    "Nooooooo Bianca yoooou!"

    I hid myself for a while, later that day when I returned to my dish. The water was changed and the food was in my bowl.

    I purred instinctively.
    Hmmm, yes, this is how it should be! Although it's regrettable it came to this, you have no one to blame but yourself human.

  7. Lol I saw your post once I was done. Have a good day.

  8. LOL! I love this! I laughed so hard when you wrote, "This. Is. Your. Punishment. Hooman." Believe me I could picture that exact situation. Who knew you understood cat minds so well.

    This was a lot of fun. I hope others in the group take time to do these activities. They're great fun and practice.

    I enjoyed the meeting today.

    Later gator!

  9. btw, CTC Writer's Guild and Cindy are the same person for people who don't know.


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