Student Gov’t Meeting notes August 9th, 2023:
Mariceli wants the student govt to focus on more student interaction by doing more planned events, getting helpful information out via flyers, and feedback on what the student govt needs to improve on.
Student govt representatives can get students to help volunteers or be part of events like promoting events and giving out flyers with information about events.
Think about how we can improve other events for everyone to join, like helping other clubs and organizations by promoting things they are doing or collaborating with them by doing less paperwork for risk management.
CTC Event: NSO: In-person New Student Orientation event 9 AM – 1 PM on August Thursday 17th, 2023, Mariceli staff will talk and promote about Student gov’t during the event.
Welcome back bash 10 AM -1 PM on August Thursday 31st, 2023: To recruit any students interested in joining a group.
· The EXG event might take place in June 2024; more information will be released soon.
Officer Elections: Mariceli wants to attend the student govt meeting officer elections for the Fall semester in September time.
All current/ new student candidates can apply for Officers positions like Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Student govt Representative.
Candidates must submit a document explaining why they would be the best officer for clubs and organizations to Mariceli by September 8th, 2023.
Mariceli will have paperwork the candidates MUST FILL OUT to apply for an officer position and turn it in by September 4th; her office is Student lounge in the Student Center building; her email is: Elections will take place online via TEAMS or Google Documents.
Final ballots must be done and counted by September 23rd.
Mariceli will have the print shop make the flyers for Elections and post them around campus.
Clubs and Organizations events announcements:
Net Impact Representative Christina events: NSO- New Student Orientation In-person August 17th,2023, 9 AM – 1 PM.
Welcome back bash August 31th- 10 AM -1 PM
Information panel Friday unknown date, 2023 Time: 9:30 AM
September events:
Suicide Awareness panel with Mental Health Doctors on 3rd Thursday “MIGHT CHANGE DATES,” Location: Anderson Building.
PTK Speaker events
October Haunted House and Fall Carnival 21-22nd, Mayborn science theater, Time 6 – 11 PM.
VGX Gaming Club Representative George August- September events: NSO- New Student Orientation In-person August 17th,2023, 9 AM – 1 PM.
Welcome back bash August 31st- 10 AM -1 PM
Super Smash Bros Tournament: August 31, September 2, location Student lodge, Time 4- 9 PM
BYOG: Bring your games will be held on the 3rd on Mondays for all semesters.
Writer Guilder Representative Tai August-October events: NSO- New Student Orientation In-person August 17th,2023, 9 AM – 1 PM.
Mike Matthew’s Art Exhibit Meet and Greet: August 23rd, 4 – 5 PM, CTC Library building.240 Art Gallery
Fort Hood Open House: August 24th, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, CTC Fort Hood Testing Campus
Just Dance and Games @ the library 11 AM – 2 PM, CTC Library building.240
Welcome back bash August 31st- 10 AM -1 PM
Gaming Break @ the library September 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, and 30th: CTC library bldg.240, Room 106, 12:30 – 2 PM
October 1st CTC WG presents: Author Day 1-3 PM
Horror Video Contest turn-in date October 10th
Poetry Slam and Open Mic October 12th, 3:30 – 5:30 PM, CTC library bldg.240
October Haunted House and Fall Carnival 21-22nd, Mayborn science theater, Time 6 – 11 PM.
Math Club Representative Mrs. Donna events: First Math Club meeting September 29th, 2023
October Haunted House and Fall Carnival 21-22nd, Mayborn science theater, Time 6 – 11 PM.
Math Appreciation Day April 2024
Extra information: Mariceli wants to start planning events for Spring Semester 2024 with clubs and organizations still being active.
The Solar Eclipse event will be held in Mayborn Science Theater: All the current clubs and organizations must have a game, items they are going to sell, and something regarding the event.
The event will have food trucks outside of the building, if any clubs and organizations are doing games the prices must be simple, not crazy.
Except to see a lot of people show up from 6 AM – 4 Pm the whole time.
VGX Gaming Club: They will be doing three different games on the Nintendo Switches on the big screen Mayborn Science Theater screen.
Other clubs and organizations might try to play computer games.