Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all are having an enjoyable summer so far. I understand that, for some, the virtual meetings are difficult because meeting and speaking with people face to face is FAR better than mere written word. There are a few things that I think everyone would like to discuss during this meeting and I am going to cover a few here. Feel free to add your comments and concerns to this thread.
- Our next virtual meeting on here is Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at noon.
- The deadline for the poetry slam is Thursday, July 30th, 2020. So feel free to add your submission.
- We are building a list of ideas for writing (like the description posts) and welcome any ideas or inputs that you may have.
- Are we meeting in person when the semester begins? This is a topic that we will have to keep our ears to the ground on because CTC has opening phases that we will have to adhere too. Ms. Cindy will be the one to more fully speak on this topic.
- Official positions. I would like to hear from those that hold a position so I know who all we still have. I understand that graduations from CTC do happen on a frequent basis, and we can lose an officer due to that. Please contact me at Once, I know what positions we have available, if any, we may be opening up for any who are interested.
Hi Naomi,
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting all that information. I will definitely let you know when we can start meeting together in-person again. I know that body language and "being there" is far better than virtual. Can you post the link for our Discord meeting room, so we have an alternative. I can also look into doing WebEx meetings with our group. It's up to you guys what you would like to do. At least we could hear and see each other. I know that's difficult for some who don't have fast internet speed. But hey, we will make it work!
What are some writing ideas you may have thought of?
ReplyDeletebtw, if we have any readers, we simultaneously talk through Discord to facilitate our meetings. If you want to join the group, email and we will get you in.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link for our Discord channel For those who don't know what this is, it is a place where you can chat via text and voice. It's mostly used by the gaming community, however, I see the perks of using it for more.
ReplyDeleteIt's not all that great for video though. We keep freezing, but at least we're able to hear each other. :-)
ReplyDeleteThat could be because of me. I'm so far out in the country that wifi is horrible...
DeleteWe all had the problem. I can set up a WebEx meeting and we can try it out as a means to meet. Video is rough if you have slow internet, but maybe the sound will work. It's not as pretty as Discord though.
DeleteNoami, let them know about the meeting room. I literally wondered where everyone went and you guys were meeting in another place. Duh!
ReplyDeleteThere is the general chat, which is where everyone can meet and chat. I designed the meeting room for you and the officials. That a way we have a place to handle things like voting and etc.
DeleteI think it's great. One question though. Is Discord always dark? It's really an eerie place. Like we're meeting in a dark alley. :-) I guess it's perfect for gamers.
DeleteOr was that your color choice? I don't mind. I was just wondering if dark was their default color. I think writing in the dark is definitely a good experience. :-)
DeleteI can look and see if there is a way to alter the coding to change the coloring for the background, but that was not my doing.
DeleteNaw! I like it. I was just wondering if that was their default color. It adds mystery to the group. We could make this blog more to match like Discord. I could add some dark and weird colors. Maybe we will look cooler.
DeleteDo you want me to change the background here? I can go with something edgier (I think). I can't remember if it allowed me to upload my own images. I'll work with it.
DeleteNo, I kind of like all the books. I think keeping it fairly universal is a good thing because other people than just members will be seeing it.
DeleteSounds good.
DeleteAs far as the writing ideas, there are quite a few different routes that we can go. One thing that I thought of what developing several writing prompts for people to write a short story off of or even see who is currently working on a novel/short story/poem/etc that they've hit a writers block on. I'm all for trying to work together with individuals, even if I'm not the one that is writing.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a great idea. Bringing in our work for help was one of the original ideas of the group, so that's definitely something I'm on board with. Can you explain more what you mean by writing prompts? Like would that be to come up with a group idea and everyone work from that?
ReplyDeleteOh also, to add to your original post, if anyone was in the group and wants to be off the mailing list due to graduation let us know. I know we haven't heard from some members in a bit, but we will keep you on the mailing list until you ask to be removed. I promise we won't hound you for decades. :-) But we would love to have to join us.
ReplyDeleteThat's probably something that should be put in the next email that is sent out. So we can have a proper count of who is where...
DeleteYou're right. That would be good.
DeleteDo you have any ideas on a membership drive? I know we sent in our paperwork for the club. I can check on it to see when there will be a club membership drive at CTC. I think they have those once a year.
I just inquired about a membership drive at CTC and can let you know.
DeleteOoOoOo a membership drive. I haven't even thought about that yet, but now I will. I'll chew on some ideas and get a hold of others and see what we can cook up.
DeleteI know we sent in the paperwork, but I'll check on it. I think there's a drive each year, so that will give us more members.
DeleteAlso CTC club members participate in things like the Haunted House and Geek Expo.
DeleteThis is useful info that we could talk about at our next meeting. I'll get it contact with you later about it.
DeleteI'll get back with you once I find where our paperwork went.
DeleteYea, I was thinking that we list like 2 or 3 writing prompts and everyone pick one that they like and go from there. It's all going to depend on group activity. If we have a large enough group, we could list about 5 prompts and have the group vote on one and whichever one has the most votes is the one that the guild will write over. I have a variety of ideas, it all boils down to activity from the members. I honestly think that once we are able to meet in person again that things will take off. We just need covid to go away.
ReplyDeleteSo can you give an example of a prompt you would use? Like would it be a theme or a plot that we would work with?
Delete1. "She stood on the end of the pier, took a deep breath, and jumped into the freezing ocean. She was going to get answers, no matter what it took." <-- tell us more.
Delete2. Write the final page of a story using these words: Marshmallow, New Year's Eve, Thunderstorm, Old Fashioned, and Missing
3. Tell us of a character who would say something along the lines of, "I accept no responsibility and I would do it all again."
These are along the ideas of the things I keep thinking of.
Oh these are great! And they would be a ton of fun to do.
DeleteDo you want to post those as entries here in case members want to write those in a thread?
DeleteI can that at a later time. Once this meeting is over, I have to go to a Dr appointment.
DeleteWhat fun! Well, thank you for hosting the meeting. We'll work on finding our members for the next meeting on July 29.
DeleteI totally agree about the virus going away.
ReplyDeleteBut we don't need to just shut down. We're going to work on membership in spite of this struggle. Isn't that what writer's do? They don't give up. Did I ever tell you what Maya Angelou in person told me?
No....and now I am very curious as to what she had to say
ReplyDeleteI met her in person in New Orleans at a college. She gave a talk and rather than exit the stage in the back, she came down to the audience. In the crowd, we backed into each other. I turned around and realized I was face to face with Maya Angelou!
ReplyDeleteI quickly shook her hand and thanked her for her great work. Then in the span of 10 seconds, I said, "Ms Angelou. I want to be a writer. Can you give me some words of advice?"
She didn't skip a beat. She said, "If you want to be a writer, then don't stop writing. The only person who will stop you is you. So don't stop."
Her words changed my life. From that point on, I know that anything can be accomplished if I don't give up on it.
She gave me the gift of bravery.
ReplyDeleteAnd sheer determination
ReplyDeleteLater! See you at the next meeting!
ReplyDeleteSee you at the next meeting. Also, I do check this from time to time between meetings, so don't feel like you can't comment until then.
ReplyDeleteSorry I missed the meeting, lost track of time and missed it by an hour. Was running some errands during the day for my Mom(she lost her ID so I've been her chauffeur these past couple of months) and thought I could unwind by playing sims (My mom got a new laptop so I've been playing) so yeah, I got no excuse for being a hot mess. I definitely agree that things should pick up once covid is over. I don't really get responses when I send things out and that could very well be that no one checks their emails- I can sorta testify to that. I did see the email of Ms. O asking me send out the flyer as well as a reminder of the meeting, but only a day later. (I should be doing that shouldn't I?) I'll keep my head screwed on to remember to send out a reminder for the 29th. I will also probably be graduating this time?
ReplyDeleteNo worries, Bianca! We know college students are focused and busy. :-) That's a good thing.
DeleteWe'll see you at the next meeting.
I don't mean I'll be graduating on 29th* Reading it over I worded that weird.