Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Privacy for the New Blog

Good afternoon everyone! My name is Naomi Mitchel, and I am the current President of the Writer's Guild. This blog is a new way for the Guild to meet and communicate with current members. In addition to that, hopefully, meet some new faces that would like to join. Right now, what I would like is to hear (read) any ideas or comments for how our Privacy could be set up. Personally, I would like for anyone to look at the general blog posts because I want people to feel welcome and to see the workings that are going on. We could have a more private type of section to where we could post things that we might be shy about everyone reading (like a short story or poem that has been written) and get the guild's input. 
Happy writing and reading, 


  1. Hi Naomi,

    I agree that we probably need like a private section for some of the writing.

  2. So have you guys decided on what types of activities you would like to do in upcoming session? I know we've written stories with challenges like "embarrass your character." What would you like to see for future gatherings?

  3. I really enjoy using descriptions in my writings. So maybe we could create a challenge that fits into that.

  4. I like that idea. Would you explain your idea further.

    btw, I changed to this email. It seemed less cumbersome than the Writers Guild entries.

  5. I like this challenge. I've been watching a lot of Korean television shows on youtube(been like this ever since I got into kpop and kdramas when in high school), there was an idol who used random pictures he took and used the feeling he got to create a song and write lyrics.

    I'm also eager to try edperimenting with desceiption as well since sometimes I feel like I'm not doing a good job.

  6. "Experimenting with description"*

    1. We knew what you meant. :-) Where's spellcheck when we need it? Or maybe we're better off without it.

  7. K-Pop sounds right up the line of some of our members. All I know is BTS. I like the idea of writing about pictures. I think Dallas Museum of Art has a program where they show pictures to kids and ask them to write what they think is going on in the picture. It was amazing to see all the different interpretations of the same picture.

  8. Where did Naomi go? I'm all for the descriptive idea. Let's see what she had in mind. Should we send out a search party? Also where's Antwion? We need his input as well.

  9. OoOoOo… I like where this is going :) As far as descriptive writings go. The best way I can sum it up without actually having to write an essay right now is this. Describe a picture using nothing but your words. Instead of saying that, "the dog ran" try this instead... "The chocolate brown lab with floppy ears charged happily after the green tennis ball." Of course, you can take it whichever direction you choose to because it is your writing.

  10. I agree with it being short. I know you guys have been getting a lot of work in your classes. That sounds good. We could maybe post some pictures on the blog and then just write the descriptions in the comments. Is that basically what you were thinking? That would be fun.

  11. Sounds good! I don't think a word count matters but it should still be kept short since its an excercise?

  12. And it would be fun to see our interpretations of the image. Do you and Naomi want to upload some images that we can comment on? I guess just create a separate post.

  13. I've got just the image. It makes me laugh and I think everyone could use a dose of humor during this covid-19 headache.

  14. Will you post it separately and we can comment on it? I can't wait to see it.

    1. For right now, I posted a few on Discord for us to discuss. When we are ready for the Descriptive portion, we will have it on standby. I wanna get Privacy and a few ideas knocked out today.

  15. That sounds fine. I'm going to have to leave the meeting as I have another one coming up at 1:30pm.

    Thank you for meeting in this new format. We can work on the format and our next meeting date via Discord.

    Thanks for coming on and I'll "see" you at the next meeting.


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