Sunday, June 28, 2020

Descriptive Writing Challenge #2

Write your short entry using descriptive words (adverbs, adjectives, etc.) to describe this picture. If you were writing a novel and wanted to put this image onto the pages, how would you describe it to your readers? 

Feel free to have fun! This is a wonderful tool to building your writing skill and to help your creativity shine. I look forward to the different ways that each of you will describe this. 

Happy writing! -Naomi Mitchel

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Descriptive Writing Challenge

Write a descriptive photo using this picture. There isn't a word limit but its best to keep to a couple of paragraphs. Have fun guys! Looking forward to how you describe this!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Thanks for the Meeting - Next Meeting July 8th at noon

Email if you'd like to be added as an author.

Thanks and have a great day!

June 10th Reunion

It's June 10, the foretold day of reunion! 👏👏👏 I hope everyone has been doing well. How have you been entertaining yourself? 

I don't have much to say other than that I do agree, with the Guild Master that we need to find a way to privately share our work in case there's anything we'd like to share. 

To share our work, I think we might just have to make our own separate blogs and share links to each other, possibly on here or on discord. 
Our discord invite link:

By the way this is Bianca, originally this account was made to blog about the life of my Sims 4 Sim, Weiss Lody. In case you were wondering about the name. I have scattered accounts like this and on wordpress.

Sims 4 or the series of Sims in General, I've always had a fun time coming up with stories for  my sims but never got around to it since my laptop received the blue screen of death. I'm just an unlucky person.

Also on my phone right now as my lovely Mother has taken my cheaper replacement laptop hostage for the time being.

Privacy for the New Blog

Good afternoon everyone! My name is Naomi Mitchel, and I am the current President of the Writer's Guild. This blog is a new way for the Guild to meet and communicate with current members. In addition to that, hopefully, meet some new faces that would like to join. Right now, what I would like is to hear (read) any ideas or comments for how our Privacy could be set up. Personally, I would like for anyone to look at the general blog posts because I want people to feel welcome and to see the workings that are going on. We could have a more private type of section to where we could post things that we might be shy about everyone reading (like a short story or poem that has been written) and get the guild's input. 
Happy writing and reading, 

Welcome to the Writers Guild meeting

How is everyone today?

We have a few things to discuss concerning what parts of our blog to show and whether to open comments.

Also, I know Weiss Lady and Naomi were discussing fun writing activites.

I'll let them go on from here.
Hello everyone, my apologies for taking so long to get onto this. I was having technical difficulties. I'm finally here, however! I'm looking forward to writing and working with everyone. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Welcome Antwion!

The CTC Writer's Guild welcomes one of our guild members to the blog. Glad you made it.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Did you hear about our Virtual Poetry Slam?

If any of you are poets, we'd like to invite you to participate in our Virtual Poetry Slam. You video yourself reading or performing your original poem. Then you send it in between June 15 and July 30. We will show them all on our library YouTube page and slam judges will choose finalists.

Upload your video to a Google Shared drive and send the link to We'll do the rest!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Types of Writing/Writers: What type of writer are you?

Everything has a story. Of course, y'all probably noticed this already. 
Writing is so much bigger than itself. 
When you think of a newspaper, music, youtube videos, cartoons, a tv show or movie, a comic book or even a video game. You have to keep in mind there was someone behind the scenes who had a big picture inside their heads, and was able to express themselves successfully. Maybe you are at that point in life where you realize maybe writing novels isn't exactly for you because you lack the attention span to sit down for hours and write. 

Lately I've been struggling with bunkering down and writing, myself. I'm starting to realize that there are different ways I want to express myself. Like even though I can't really draw I keep picturing my stories as video games, manga and even visual novels. It's... kind of annoying. Becuase the moment I tell myself "I'm only so-so at drawing," or "I don't want to program" I realize that I'm the one limiting myself. I'm in my own way of being creative. 

I'll leave a video here. 

After listening to this, I think I would be an Intuitive Pantser... 

Monday, June 1, 2020

Coping with Covid

I know right now times are hard, but Killeen is slowly reopening. Most of you all probably have online classes but sometimes in-between you might feel like writing or doing something to stave off your boredom. There are many ways to find inspiration to write. Listening to podcasts, music or watching anime, tv, playing video games and reading novels or manga. How have you been motivating yourself during these times?

Also. For those taking online classes, you might be like me where you're not so good at studying. So I'm just going to leave this here and hopefully we'll be somehow able to survive our online classes together.