Thursday, February 20, 2025

Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 2/19/2025

 Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 02/19/2025

There were 20 people in attendance: Madison, Logan, Tajane, Devon, Chloe, Sheli, Kiera, Trynity, Jacob, Caleb, Amare, Mark, John, Jessica, Kimberly, Violet, Maddilyn, Sania, Jonathan, and Cindy

We talked about:

·         Byways. Here’s the link. Enter, please. 😊 (See, I’m not that scary).

·         Cozmic Con

·                         We voted to do an activity and will discuss at the next meeting playing some type of         puzzles at the event and selling the rest of our hacky sacks.

·          ·         We did a Meet and Greet for our new members

·          ·         Chess

·                         We talked about the Chess Tournament coming up April 10

·                         Attending the chess lessons at the library, Feb 27, March 6, March 13, March 27 and        April 3 from 5-7pm

·         American Sign Language Class

·                         If you’re interested in attending the Sign Language class, either let me or Trynity know.   Email me at for more info. We’ll post a flyer in Discord.

Then we did several things……………………………………….

·         Chose a song, wrote about it or drew something that was inspired by the song.

·         We worked on Byways entries

·         We brainstormed what we would put in a commercial to market the Writers Guild

Next meeting is March 5. Tentative agenda:

·         Discussion of cost of material for Haunted House

·         Making money

·         Byways

·         Tee shirts -who has been to at least 5 meetings and helped out with an event? If this is you and you don’t have a tee shirt, let me know.

·         I think Jonathan has ideas and also remember to send me agenda ideas so I can get them to Jonathan

Later gators!


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 2/6/2025


Writers Guild meeting minutes 2/5/2025

There were 26 members in attendance: Maria, Devon, Tajane, Jacob (Treasurer),  Logan, Ryan, John, Chloe, Sheli, Kiera, Dale, Violet, Jayla, Sania, Jessica (Secretary), Haven, Laisha, Donald, Amare, Maddilyn, Kimberly, Jonathan (President), Mark, Randy, Jess and Cindy.

1) We did a meet and greet for our new members and for some we haven’t seen in a while. Welcome and welcome back!

2) We created a very bizarre story about sheep, wizards, cannibals, sharks, Tik-Tok, and an arms dealer and then a very funny announcer with an Australian accent retold the newsflash.

3) Then we broke into clans and shared what we are working on in music, poetry, writing, artwork, and video/photography.

4) Byways was discussed briefly with more badgering to come. Here’s the link with info:


Note: We discovered that if you need to meet with us online, please email Cindy the morning of the meeting and let her know you need to get into Teams. She can only invite one person at a time and not the list as she regrettably found out yesterday.

Remember to join via app and not browser.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, Feb 19 at 4pm. See you then!