Thursday, January 23, 2025

Meeting Minutes January 22, 2025


Writers Guild meeting minutes for January 22, 2025

There were 12 members in attendance: Tajane, Chloe (new member), Devon (new member), Caleb, Allyra, Sheli, Kiera, Dave, Amare, Cindy, Sania and Jo (come to visit us again) 😊 Welcome new members!

We did the meet and greet, then talked business stuff:

·         We needed volunteers for Welcome Bash. Thank you Tajane, Laisha, Jayla, and Amare! (Hope I didn’t miss anyone). They recruited about 30 more people!

·         We need volunteers to be in a play on Feb 19 at noon. Caleb volunteered to play MLK Jr., a new member, Trynity wants to volunteer also. Does anyone else want to play Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, or Toussaint Couverture? ESOL Professor Dianna Ramos will give you a script that you can read.

We did an activity where we practiced pulling in the reader. Many of you write and forget the reader can’t picture what you see. So, we worked on not just telling a story, but to make a story relevant to the reader.

The next meeting is Wednesday February 5 at 4pm in the library, room 211.

Please send activity ideas for the upcoming meetings.

·         People asked if we could do a Guild War again

·         Another idea is to create a commercial for the Guild

Important! I am working on getting Teams to work during our meetings. I promise I will get the link right for the next meeting.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Meeting Minutes January 9, 2025


Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 01/09/2025

There were 10 members at the meeting: Jacob Sania, Ryan, Tajane, Mark, Gerald (new member), Violet, Caleb, Jonathan, and Brandi (substituted as sponsor because Cindy was out)  

At the meeting

·         We had a meet and greet

·         Jacob, our Treasurer talked about the budget and a fundraiser

·         Members talk about what they created during the break.

Next meeting, we will talk about getting volunteers for the Welcome Bash and Byways

·         What is creativity mean to you?

·         What would you like to do with your creativity?

·         Ideas for this semester's meetings

Out of Group Activity

·         Start thinking about what you want to submit to Byways if you are a CTC student or were one Summer, Fall 2024 or this semester.

Next meeting January 22 at 4 pm.

Later gators!