Monday, August 30, 2021

Welcome katsuki bakugou!

 We're getting a ton of new members! Make sure you welcome everyone!

Our next meeting is this Wednesday at 4:30pm. We will send out a WebEx invitation to anyone who can't make it in person. If you plan to be at the in-person, we will be on the second floor of the library in room 211. 

We're looking forward to finally seeing everyone! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Just noticed we didn't put the July Meeting minutes

Um. So what did we talk about guys? I can't remember what we had for breakfast. Who was at the meeting? I'm sure we chit chatted about publishing our work. We probably also talked about what we like to write about. And we also probably talked about what we were working on. 

Or we may have meandered around talking about anime or movies or books. We could have discussed Sims for the hour. Or we could have planned several fundraisers that we haven't quite gotten off the ground. 

Oh but I found out that we can actually have food at our meetings and have money to buy it. That's new! 

And whatever it was that we talked about, I'm sure we had fun meeting. Oh and I'm sure I nagged you about working the Welcome Bash table. 

Oh and at our next meeting, we'll need to get at least one officer. We really need 3 officers (secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian I think). Our President, Naomi will hopefully be at our meeting. And our outgoing Secretary Bianca, will hopefully be there as well, to hand over the spot. Bianca graduated, but is still an active part of our group. 

Ok. That was some semblance of meeting minutes. Seriously guys! I can't remember things a month away. If you remember what we talked about, please add to this ramble. :-) Thanks!

Welcome Que!

We have another new member! Welcome Que! We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the Welcome Bash and at our first meeting which is Sept 1 at 4:30pm in the library. 

This should be an awesome new semester! 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021