Hi Fellow Writers!
At our last meeting, we voted on meeting once a month through the summer. So mark you calendars for these dates:
- Wednesday, June 9 at 4:30pm
- Wednesday, July 7 at 4:30pm
We had a great discussion at the meeting on what writing projects we are all working on. We discussed genres and "those great life-long novels" we keep redoing.
I promised everyone, that I would get some resources for them.
- Gaming and events for CTC https://www.ctcd.edu/news-events/
- Two really great sites for writers for information on query letters and how to find a literary agent
- Several forums for aspiring writers of young adult fiction
We talked about getting the recipe/poem book together and we're getting closer to actually doing it. :-)
There is also a possibility that we may be able to start doing in-person/virtual meetings in the fall. It would be a combination of anyone who can be there, be at the library and then we also bring a laptop to join Webex and the blog. That way those members who can't physically make it, can join us virtually.
I didn't bring it up at the meeting, but we are also planning something similar with a combined in-person/virtual Communication Meets Community and the professors are back on board with it for giving out extra credit. I'll give you more details as we know more.
As always, you can email us if you think of anything else. Just hit reply all on our emails. :-)
Have a great rest of your week!