Thursday, March 6, 2025

Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 3/5/2025

Hi Peeps!

There were 15 members in attendance: Tajane, Devon, Ryan, Antonio, Sheli, Kiera, Mark, Caleb, Allyra, Sania, Violet, Kimberly, Mikhail, Randy, and Cindy

Cindy “forced” us all to create something for Byways. πŸ˜Š Then she told them they HAD to register and turn it in. She told them she would stalk them if they didn’t.

Here’s the registration link:

  • Or scan the QR code on the attached flyer

The next meeting is next Wednesday, March 12, because in 2 weeks, we have spring break.

See you next week!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 2/19/2025

 Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 02/19/2025

There were 20 people in attendance: Madison, Logan, Tajane, Devon, Chloe, Sheli, Kiera, Trynity, Jacob, Caleb, Amare, Mark, John, Jessica, Kimberly, Violet, Maddilyn, Sania, Jonathan, and Cindy

We talked about:

·         Byways. Here’s the link. Enter, please. 😊 (See, I’m not that scary).

·         Cozmic Con

·                         We voted to do an activity and will discuss at the next meeting playing some type of         puzzles at the event and selling the rest of our hacky sacks.

·          ·         We did a Meet and Greet for our new members

·          ·         Chess

·                         We talked about the Chess Tournament coming up April 10

·                         Attending the chess lessons at the library, Feb 27, March 6, March 13, March 27 and        April 3 from 5-7pm

·         American Sign Language Class

·                         If you’re interested in attending the Sign Language class, either let me or Trynity know.   Email me at for more info. We’ll post a flyer in Discord.

Then we did several things……………………………………….

·         Chose a song, wrote about it or drew something that was inspired by the song.

·         We worked on Byways entries

·         We brainstormed what we would put in a commercial to market the Writers Guild

Next meeting is March 5. Tentative agenda:

·         Discussion of cost of material for Haunted House

·         Making money

·         Byways

·         Tee shirts -who has been to at least 5 meetings and helped out with an event? If this is you and you don’t have a tee shirt, let me know.

·         I think Jonathan has ideas and also remember to send me agenda ideas so I can get them to Jonathan

Later gators!


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 2/6/2025


Writers Guild meeting minutes 2/5/2025

There were 26 members in attendance: Maria, Devon, Tajane, Jacob (Treasurer),  Logan, Ryan, John, Chloe, Sheli, Kiera, Dale, Violet, Jayla, Sania, Jessica (Secretary), Haven, Laisha, Donald, Amare, Maddilyn, Kimberly, Jonathan (President), Mark, Randy, Jess and Cindy.

1) We did a meet and greet for our new members and for some we haven’t seen in a while. Welcome and welcome back!

2) We created a very bizarre story about sheep, wizards, cannibals, sharks, Tik-Tok, and an arms dealer and then a very funny announcer with an Australian accent retold the newsflash.

3) Then we broke into clans and shared what we are working on in music, poetry, writing, artwork, and video/photography.

4) Byways was discussed briefly with more badgering to come. Here’s the link with info:


Note: We discovered that if you need to meet with us online, please email Cindy the morning of the meeting and let her know you need to get into Teams. She can only invite one person at a time and not the list as she regrettably found out yesterday.

Remember to join via app and not browser.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, Feb 19 at 4pm. See you then!


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Meeting Minutes January 22, 2025


Writers Guild meeting minutes for January 22, 2025

There were 12 members in attendance: Tajane, Chloe (new member), Devon (new member), Caleb, Allyra, Sheli, Kiera, Dave, Amare, Cindy, Sania and Jo (come to visit us again) 😊 Welcome new members!

We did the meet and greet, then talked business stuff:

·         We needed volunteers for Welcome Bash. Thank you Tajane, Laisha, Jayla, and Amare! (Hope I didn’t miss anyone). They recruited about 30 more people!

·         We need volunteers to be in a play on Feb 19 at noon. Caleb volunteered to play MLK Jr., a new member, Trynity wants to volunteer also. Does anyone else want to play Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, or Toussaint Couverture? ESOL Professor Dianna Ramos will give you a script that you can read.

We did an activity where we practiced pulling in the reader. Many of you write and forget the reader can’t picture what you see. So, we worked on not just telling a story, but to make a story relevant to the reader.

The next meeting is Wednesday February 5 at 4pm in the library, room 211.

Please send activity ideas for the upcoming meetings.

·         People asked if we could do a Guild War again

·         Another idea is to create a commercial for the Guild

Important! I am working on getting Teams to work during our meetings. I promise I will get the link right for the next meeting.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Meeting Minutes January 9, 2025


Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 01/09/2025

There were 10 members at the meeting: Jacob Sania, Ryan, Tajane, Mark, Gerald (new member), Violet, Caleb, Jonathan, and Brandi (substituted as sponsor because Cindy was out)  

At the meeting

·         We had a meet and greet

·         Jacob, our Treasurer talked about the budget and a fundraiser

·         Members talk about what they created during the break.

Next meeting, we will talk about getting volunteers for the Welcome Bash and Byways

·         What is creativity mean to you?

·         What would you like to do with your creativity?

·         Ideas for this semester's meetings

Out of Group Activity

·         Start thinking about what you want to submit to Byways if you are a CTC student or were one Summer, Fall 2024 or this semester.

Next meeting January 22 at 4 pm.

Later gators!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Meeting minutes 12/11/24

 Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 12/11/2024

We had 20 members in attendance: Tajane, Devon, Ryan, Jacob, Dale, Sean, Sheli, Kiera, Jessica, Mark, Madison, Jayla, Caleb, Violet, Amare, Jonathan, Edward, Sania and Cindy (did I leave anyone out?)

  • We ate junk food and played games.
  • I attached the 2025 schedule.
  • Congratulations to all of our graduates! We’re proud of you!
  • Work on your Nanoramobazamo during the break.
  • Stay in touch in Discord. If you need the link again, let me know.
Please have an amazing and safe holiday season and we’ll see each other next year!

Meeting minutes 12/4/2024

 Writers Guild Meeting Minutes – 12/4/2024

There were 20 members in attendance: Jonathan, Jayla, Jennifer, Madison, Violet, Amare, Mark, Tajane, Donald, Dave, Sheli, Jessica, Roman, Gina, William, Jacob, Caleb, Judah and Cindy

We voted in 2 new officers:

Jonathan is President

Jacob is Treasurer


We want to wish our graduates well and will miss them! We know you will do great in your life journey!

In this meeting, we focused on working on our creative areas and gave feedback.

We discussed preparing for Byways. Here’s the Byways registration and information: Let Cindy know if you have questions.

Our next meeting is on December 11 at 4 pm. Bring snacks to share. I’ll bring some board games and let’s talk and have fun!


Reminder: I will be switching over to using Microsoft Teams and Webex will go away. There’s more members that didn’t get an invitation, so I will be sending those out in the next couple of weeks. Make sure to download it.

2025 info: I attached the 2025 meeting dates. Times still  4-5:30 pm in Room 211 in the CTC Library. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Poems about the National Debt: a Partnership between the CTC Writers Guild and Net Impact

What we think of the National Debt

Growing heavier

Each year on the shoulders of

Our Grandchildren

by Mark R.

The debt grows slowly

Chains tying down the power

Of our nation

by Mark R. 

Sunk into the depths

Money spent that was never held

A debt of depths

by Ryan N. 

Money Overflows

Debt is insurmountable

It must be stopped now

by Amare D. 

Selfishness corrupts

Out comes propaganda from 

Illegal funding

by Judah K.

The U.S. Federal debt keeps

Skyrocketing, generation after generation

Society cares more about themselves

Than to the health of the country

by Laisha C.

Neverending Loss

Inflating like a balloon

The National Debt

by Shelianne M. 

National Debt weight

is overwhelmingly great 

How will we survive?

by Nathaniel R.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 11/13/2024 (if you read it all the way through, you will find an amazing thing!)


Writers Guild 11/14/24

There were 28 members in attendance: Judah, Laisha (new member), Jadan, Madison, Kiera, Sheli, Jonathan, Ryan, Jacob, Logan (new member) Tajane, Christina (our Net Impact friend), Isabella, Gina, Mark, Amare, Caleb, Roman, Jayla, Sania, Nathaniel, Jennifer (new member), Jessica, Max, Sean, Kim, Edward, and Cindy

Announcements were made.

1) We need elves for Lighting of the Bell Tower Dec 3 from 6-8pm.

  • Let Cindy know if you want to work it. 
  • She will need your phone number. (Email it to her - don't reply to this email). 
  • So far we have Judah, Sheli and Amare.
  • You may get some type of elf shirt if you work.
  • I’ll let everyone know.

2) Gina will be graduating, so we will have a Presidential election at the next meeting.

  • Gina, you've been awesome and we'll miss your leadership!

3) The next meeting is on Wednesday Dec 4 at 4pm.

  • We had to reschedule it because in 2 weeks we are in Thanksgiving break.

4) Our last meeting on Dec 11 will be a holiday party.

  • Bring snacks and we can play games and have fun.

5) Haunted House/Fall Festival people, read the text I sent! I need an answer. πŸ˜Š


For In-Guild activity:

  • We played a one-word story game

  • Then we created Haikus

  • Some made Haikus about the National Debt and gave them to Christina for Net Impact

  • We discussed the National Writing Contest and decided to do one from Friday Dec 13 to Jan 6 or you can start now and be done on Jan 6

  • We realized we had new members so did the Meet and Greet later in the meeting


For Out-of-Guild activity:

Gina suggested that everyone work on answering the college question: “Tell us who you are.”

If anyone needs the Discord link, send a separate email to me. Laisha and Jennifer, I'll send you one. 

Amazing thing, I promised:

You are all amazing, inspiring, and creative! We are so glad that you are in our Guild! 

Later, gators, 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Meeting Minutes Oct 16, 2024


Writers Guild meeting Minutes 10/7/24

There were 32 members in attendance: Gina O, Jacob, Judah, Madison, Sheli, Keira, Caleb, Jonathan, Skyler, Ellie, Jayla, Randy, Jessica T, Laisha (visitor), Mark, Jeremiah, Edward, Isabella, Thomas, Roman, Gina M., Gina M’s Mom, Amare, Max, Cody (visitor), Christina (visitor), Nathaniel, Sean, Sania, Violet, Savannah, and Cindy

·         We did a brief introduction

  • ·         We broke up in clan groups: musicians, artists, writers, poets, and video makers
  • ·         Our activity was to create a fantasy video with input from each clan
  • ·         Our guild war winners were our observers. 😊 Congratulations!
We made a Haunted House actor change, and briefly discussed that.
  • ·         If you’re working it or the Fall Festival, please read the email I sent earlier this week.
Then, Net Impact asked the guild to participate in a National Debt Matters to You campaign.

Rotating Student Art Exhibit Contest

Our next meeting is October 30 at 4pm, the library, room 211

See you then!




Thursday, October 3, 2024

Meeting Minutes Oct 2, 2024


Writers Guild Meeting Minutes Oct 2 2024


We had 32 members in attendance: Jacob, Laisha, Kim, Violet, Nathaniel, Ellie, Jessica, Isabella, Sean, Dez (welcome back!), Thomas, Mark, Tajane, Keira, Shelli, Sania, Jonathan, Caleb, Amare, Maddie, Max, Amara, Ryan, Judah, Madison, Savannah, Allyra, Jess, Faye, Roman, Gina and Cindy (hopefully, I didn’t miss anybody)

We welcomed new members and tried to remember everybody’s names.

We verified who is working the Haunted House Fall Festival (I attached the list) please read it! 😊– if you want to be added, please email Cindy at

We played a game where everyone comes up with one character. Then we yell out a genre, and you have to incorporate it into your story.

  • Horror
  • Sci Fi
  • Comedy
  • Western
  • Then draw a picture that illustrates the story.
  • If you want to bring it next time to share or post it on Discord, we’d love to hear it.

Our next meeting is Weds Oct 16 at 4pm- 5:30 in the library.

One of our members (Edward) turned in a really fun idea for the next meeting:

Guild War! Who has the most creative Clan?

  • We split up in groups of creative clans – musicians, poets, writers, artists, playwrights, photographers, podcasters, video makers, and gamers. Everyone has to decide which clan they want to join.
  • Every clan will be given a task to complete.
  • The best voted clan by the guild wins!
  • What do they win? Respect! Kudos! And Bragging Rights!
  • This will give us all a chance to work together in groups to get to know each other better.
  • We’ll have more chairs. 😊

If anyone has a fun idea for an activity, please email me and I will get it to Gina.

Share on Discord, keep creating, and remember that you are one of us! We’re really glad to know you!

Talk to you soon and see you at the next meeting.

Have an fun, creative week!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sept 18 Meeting Minutes


Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 09/18/2024

We had 24 members in attendance: Gina, Jeremiah, Amare, Judah, Allyra, Maddie, Ellie, Sean, Ryan, Thomas, Jacob, Mark, Jessica, Madison, Amara, Nathaniel, Max, Sania, Jonathan, Violet, Caleb, Edward, Cindy, and Savannah came at the very end. 😊

We voted in new officers:  Congratulations!

·         President – Gina

·         Vice President – Edward

·         Secretary – Jessica (she put My Little Pony stickers on the minutes – our kind of person) 😊

·         Student Government Representative - Jessica

·         Treasurer – Jonathan

            Treasurer Subcommittee –Moolah Mongrels (we will set up meeting room in Discord)

§  Jacob                Amara

§  Nathaniel        Jeremiah

§  Jonathan

What we did in the meeting –

·         We shared our work.

·         Thank you all for sharing!

·         As I always say, you guys are extremely talented!

Very important! We will meet in room 209 in the library for our next meeting (Oct 2) or outside. If you don’t see us outside at 4 pm, then we are in room 209 upstairs in the West Wing

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Meeting Minutes for 9/4/24


Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 9/4/2024

There were 20 members in attendance: Brittney, Caleb, Jadan, Tajane, Amare, Jacob, Judah, Max, Jessica, Jonathan, Sheli, Amara, Mark, Levi, Roman, Sania, Nathaniel, Violet, Madison, and Cindy

Welcome to our new members! We’re glad you joined the guild.

During the meeting we:

  1. Introduced ourselves.
  2. Created writing and art with random words, then combined for one big bizarre story.
  3. Briefly discussed officer roles because we will vote next week
  4. Briefly touched upon the Haunted House and Fall Festival

Out of Guild Activity

  • Please bring your creative work and we will share next week
  • Consider if you would like an officer role

Next week

  • We will vote new officers in – Gina and Edward, please be at the meeting in person so we can vote
  • Share our creative work
  • Review who is doing what at the Haunted House/Fall Festival

If you have activity ideas, please send them to Cindy at

 Here’s the Discord link: It expires in 7 days.

Here’s the blog link:

 Next meeting is Weds, Sept 18 at 4pm. See you then!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

9/4/2024 Meeting agenda

 Hi guys, 

Our next Writers Guild meeting is tomorrow at 4 pm - 5:30 pm. For our High School members, it's ok to come late. We know you get out later than 4 pm. 

Tomorrow's agenda 

1) Meet and Greet our new members

2) In guild activity - Random word story using Apples to Apples and random words from our box

  • Can write a story
  • Or draw a picture
  • or write a poem
  • or take a photograph
  • That depicts all the words

3) If we have time, we can put all of our work together for one big creation

4) Talk about electing officers at the next meeting

5) Share what you are working on

6) Out of guild activity

  • Send ideas for fun creative activities to Cindy, so she can get them to Gina for the agenda. 
  • Bring what you have been working on to share

7) Verify who is doing what during the Haunted House/Fall Festival

I'll send a link to join virtually if you can't make it in person. 

Later guys, 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Writers Guild meeting minutes 8/21/24


Writers Guild Meeting Minutes for 8/21/24

There were 18 members in attendance: Gina, Roman, Amare, Amara, Allyra, Ryan, Judah, Jacob, TajanΓ©, Savannah, Edward, Sean, Nathaniel, Thomas, Kim, Madison, Jonathan, and Cindy.

This was a working meeting. We made props for the Haunted House. They’re awesome!

Open House – Thursday Aug 28, 10 AM – 1:30 PM – Anderson Building

·         We need volunteers who can work even for a little bit on Thursday, Aug 28.

·         Please send back an email that says when you can work it and when. Thanks!

·         For our new members – if you attend 5 meetings and work an event like Open House, you get a tee shirt.

We’ll be back to our regular creative stuff at the next meeting.

Also, in September, we will vote new officers in. We’ll talk about it at our next meeting.

Our next meeting is Weds, Sept 4 at 4pm in the library.