Writers Guild Meeting Minutes 02/19/2025
There were 20 people in attendance: Madison, Logan, Tajane,
Devon, Chloe, Sheli, Kiera, Trynity, Jacob, Caleb, Amare, Mark, John, Jessica,
Kimberly, Violet, Maddilyn, Sania, Jonathan, and Cindy
We talked about:
Byways. Here’s the link. Enter, please. π
(See, I’m not that scary). https://www.ctcd.edu/academics/library/byways/
Cozmic Con
voted to do an activity and will discuss at the next meeting playing some type
of puzzles at the event and
selling the rest of our hacky sacks.
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We did a Meet and Greet for our new members
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talked about the Chess Tournament coming up April 10
the chess lessons at the library, Feb 27, March 6, March 13, March 27 and April 3 from 5-7pm
American Sign Language Class
you’re interested in attending the Sign Language class, either let me or
Trynity know. Email me at coser2@ctcd.edu for more info. We’ll post a
flyer in Discord.
Then we did several things……………………………………….
Chose a song, wrote about it or drew something
that was inspired by the song.
We worked on Byways entries
We brainstormed what we would put in a
commercial to market the Writers Guild
Next meeting is March 5. Tentative agenda:
Discussion of cost of material for Haunted House
Making money
Tee shirts -who has been to at least 5 meetings
and helped out with an event? If this is you and you don’t have a tee shirt,
let me know.
I think Jonathan has ideas and also remember to
send me agenda ideas so I can get them to Jonathan
Later gators!